short film, 4K, black and white, sound, 10min, 2021
short film, 4K, black and white, sound, 10min, 2021
supported by Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
Written and directed by Kamen Stoyanov
Producer - Kamen Stoyanov
Co-producer - Jana Ilieva-Torunsky
Cast: Gibran Zaratte
Sound mixing: Michael Torunsky
Composer: Juan Forrero and Seiji Hotta
Sound mixing: Michael Torunsky
Composer: Juan Forrero and Seiji Hotta
The short film „Phantom“ deals with the ghost of the famous Mexican photographer Manuel Al-varez Bravo, who goes on a daily road in his neighborhood Coyoacan in Mexio City looking for a motif. By shooting the image with his large format camera the object disappears.The photogra-pher goes back home and after the police finds him he has to take a decision.